Videos files do not play and several crashes

Frequent crashes occur when moving layers in the file or doing basic editing such as property changes. In addition, some videos files do not seem too play even when set to play.

Ok, we’ve been able to trigger the crash. It’s related to the number of videos on a single artboard, their resolution, and duration. Some of the videos are 4k, so you’re likely using up all your laptop’s hardware video decoder’s capacity.

We’re working to improve the situation on our end, but there will always be a limit to how much you can ask of your computer. I’d try reducing the number of videos on a given artboard, and try using smaller resolution videos.

As far as freezes while nudging, are you nudging while your mouse is hovering over the preview window? that would cause playback to resume after each nudge from the keyboard arrow, which will start playing all the huge videos each time.I noticed an improvement if I nudged with my mouse not hovering over the preview window.

Update: we’ve fixed the issue and I’m hoping to put out an update mid-next week.

Just shipped the fix in 6.32! You can download it here

Awesome. Thanks Daniel. Yeah, I also ran all of the videos through handbrake because I knew how heavy everything was going to be. I’ll download the new version and check everything out. Appreciate the help!

Please let me know how everything is running for you!

For what it’s worth, you’ll get a more significant reduction in file size than handbrake if, before dragging into Principle, you resize your video to the size that it will be displayed in the prototype. Optimizing a 4k video is still hugely wasteful if it’s only going to be shown at a thumbnail size. Additionally, you probably don’t need to include a full length video for a prototype to be effective. Short looping videos will get the point across and make sharing and working with the file much quicker.


@Daniel Related to this - It seems like everytime I record a full video of the file, principle will crash after and I will not get the export. Had a friend tell me the same thing is happening to him as well.

Oops, sorry! Thanks for letting me know. Just fixed it in 6.33, which is available for update now.

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