Share to web returns error

  1. macOS Version: 13.01

  2. Principle Version (check for updates first!): 6.33

  3. What do you need help with?
    Share to web functionality

  4. Steps to reproduce the behavior:
    When navigating to export → Share Version to web. The webview that displays returns the following: Couldn’t fetch document. Error: length is not a valid value: 0

  5. Link to your Principle .prd file, Figma .fig file, or Sketch file:
    Dropbox - skittlesdeck_v3-08-28.prd - Simplify your life

We CANNOT fix bugs without a sample file
For NDA’d files please delete all but the relevant layers and change things to avoid NDA issues.

That document is too large to share. It’s ~600Mb and the limit is 60Mb. The error message it’s giving you is wrong, it should tell you it’s too large. At least thats what happened for me when I just tried to export.

You have a few other options:

  1. You can host the .prd file on your own server and send its link to people for viewing in principle or the iOS Principle app. If you want, you can change the (example) url from to principle:// and it’ll auto open in Principle.
  2. File > Export > Mac app then put it on dropbox for people to run. They will likely need to right click the app and select “open” in the context menu to bypass macOS’s annoying security.
  3. File > Export > Local HTML file and host that file yourself. But I don’t think this is a real option for a file that large. I just tried this and it created a 525Mb .html file - no web browser was able to load it.

Either way, folks will have to wait for a multiple hundred megabyte file to download.

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