Import one Project into another?

Is there a way to Import one Principle Project into another?

I created an ONBOARDING project early on and then started the main APP in another project and would like to combine both. Possible? With Animation + Drivers??? Now way! How?


You can simply drag a .prd file into a screen in another file one and will be added as a component keeping all interactions and everything, it’s quite neat.

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GREAT TO HEAR! But I cant replicate. Any further tips?

I’ve tried to open two .prd files. Side X side and select one (also all) “screens” and DRAG into the other doc / file and it will migrate. But not the interactions and driver info.

Any tip on how to do this?

I have 2 docs with 20 screens each I would like to combine into a new PRD that would have all 40.

20 Onboarding Screens in one PRD (with MANY animations and a few with drivers)
20 APP Screens in one PRD (with MANY animations and a few with drivers)
40 Onboarding Screens + APP Screens in one PRD


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